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主题:Why don’t you talk to your parents?


设计者:郑州市第八十一中学  王惠娟


Step1. Warming-up and leading in.

1.Greet the students and ask the students to listen to the song Trouble is a friend.

2.Ask students to fill in the missing words of the song.

3.Play the song three times.

Step2. What’s your problem?

1.Show the pictures and talk about Mike’s problem.

2.Ask students:What’s your problem?

Step3.Group work

1.Ask students to work in groups to talk about the common problems they have.

2.Write the problems on the paper.

3.Stick the paper on the blackboard.

Step4.Pair work

1.Ask students to help Mike solve his problems.

2.Ask students to work in pairs to talk about their problems and give them advice.

Step5.Group work

1.Ask each group choose a problem on the blackboard.

2.Ask students work in groups to find ways to the problem.

3.Ask students to write their solutions on the paper.

4.Show time.

Step6.  Let me help you.

1.Give each student a card. Ask students to write their problems on the paper.

2.Collect students’ cards in a box.

3.Ask each students take out a card and write their advice to the problem.

4.Ask several students show the problems and solutions.

5.Ask students to give the card to the person who wrote the problem.

Step7. Summary

1.Summarize .

2.Call on students to ask for others help when they meet problems in the future.

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王惠娟 发表于 2019-11-07 17:47
王惠娟 郑州市第八十一中学
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